The first song on the Enter The Spektrem EP was Loretta. Of all the songs I made, Loretta was the one that made people go the most nuts when we played it live. It's a pretty simple song, although fairly aggressive.
The first time we playedlive was in Orlando, and I’d never seen anything like it. People started making woot woot sounds — something that would happen organically during the most high energy moments. If the crowd did that to one of your songs, it meant you had done something right.
The guy yelling into the microphone is Mike, who was the Spektrem DJ for a few months. I hated DJing. I had no idea what to do with myself. I just wanted to be in my room making music. I thought I had to be really high energy on stage. So I jumped around like an idiot. There was nothing else for me to do. After all, I wasn't DJing. I was just standing up there.
I also made a demo vocal version, which was how I originally intended the song to be. My team at the time convinced me to take the vocals out. So I never finished them.
But the vocals did give the song more meaning, and made it more than just an aggressive big room house track.